GIS QA Technical Evaluation Scope
CONFIDENTIALITY: The information, comments and opinions contained in the report including any and all attached photographs, copies of reports and similar documents are for the use of the Gap Inc. business units and its subsidiary companies. Do not distribute or photocopy this report without receiving prior written consent from GIS VQM department.
Section |
Q no. |
Question |
Packing |
1 |
Are trimmers and inspectors in separate teams? |
Packing |
2 |
Is there a procedure in place to remove loose threads and foreign materials? 是否有用吸线机清理衣服脱线或异物的程序? |
Packing |
3 |
Is there an effective stain removal management and repair operation with MSDS display on site? 是否有有效的洗污管理和修复操作?在洗污现场是否有张贴洗污济的安全使用说明书? |
Packing |
4 |
Is there inspection after finishing in both visual and measurement with record? 后整理是否有外观检查和尺寸检查并做记录? |
Packing |
5 |
Is the packing material release in control way to avoid mixing and mistakenly packed? 为避免包装材料的混淆或错误使用,其发放领用有无控制的? |
Packing |
6 |
Is there any template / marking to ensure the folding size consistency? 是否有样板/标记使衣服的折叠尺寸一致? |
Packing |
7 |
Are packaging standard and samples readily available for reference? 包装标准和样衣是否挂在现场供参考? |
Packing |
8 |
Is there correct setting and procedure to ensure same shade of product per carton? 是否有正确的程序确保同一箱里面的衣服没有色差? |
Packing |
9 |
Does factory conduct final pack audit based on same (or tighter) AQL of buyer? 工厂内部尾期检查的标准是否采用与客户相同(或更严格)的AQL标准? |
Packing |
10 |
Is there a responsible person check the pack factor and order carton/polybag in correct size as per buyer packing compliance and order sheet? 相关负责人是否根据客户的订单要求检查包装/纸箱/胶袋尺寸等? |
Packing |
11 |
Is there control of humidity and insects/foreign objects in the packing area? 在包装区域有无控制湿度、昆虫和异物? |
Packing |
12 |
Is there UPC sticker printer available and correct placement on all cartons? 有无条形码打印机,条形码贴纸是否贴在纸箱正确的位置?(新厂不适用) |
Packing |
13 |
Is Drop/Pack Test available? (mainly for accessory products, shirt, suiting, bra, delicate styles) 是否有做包装测试?(主要适用于辅配件、衬衫、西装、内衣等产品) |
Packing |
14 |
Are all finished cartons separated from in-processing product with clear label and stored row by row in PO basis with separate aisles? 所有包装好的纸箱是否与在生产的产品隔离,并有清晰标识,按照PO一排排整齐地堆放在不同区域? |
Packing |
15 |
Is lighting adequate (800 +) lux, enough space with completed information for shade /visual checking in QC inspection area/working stations? QC检验区域/各工作区域是否有足够的照明和空间进行颜色评估和外观检查? |